Louisiana Workers’ Comp Attorney Tim Benedetto smiling in a professional portrait, featuring the WILG logo.

Louisiana Workers’ Comp Attorney Tim Benedetto Wins National Conference Scholarship

Workers’ compensation attorney Tim Benedetto was one of only two attorneys nationwide named as a recipient of a 2022 scholarship for workers’ comp lawyers.

The scholarship gives Tim a membership in the Workers’ Injury Law & Advocacy Group (WILG), which is a national, non-profit network of professionals who fight for the rights of people who suffer workplace injuries or illnesses. It also pays for his registration and travel to the WILG 2022 Annual Convention in Scottsdale, Ariz.

The scholarship was sponsored by a legal services firm called MASSIVE: Medical and Subrogation Specialists.
We’re proud to call Tim a team member at Workers’ Compensation, LLC.

His achievements at our Louisiana workers’ compensation law firm include winning an important appeal of a workers’ comp benefits denial that helped strengthen protections for all Louisiana workers injured on the job.

“I am humbled by this national recognition,” Tim said about the scholarship. “I look forward to representing Louisiana at the national WILG convention and hope this unique opportunity allows me to better serve my current and future clients.”

All of our workers’ comp attorneys dedicate their careers to helping people in Louisiana put their lives back together after getting hurt at work, which is why we say, “Workers’ Comp Is What We Do.”

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